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Ventrilo Server is up!

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Ventrilo Server is up! Empty Ventrilo Server is up!

Post  Admin Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:01 pm

Welcome one and all, again to our amazing server, MKayMS.

I would like to announce that our 25 slot ventrilo server is NOW UP and RUNNING!

For those of you who DO NOT know what Ventrilo is, it is a voice chat enabled server that allows you to set a hotkey and speak to whomever is on the server at the moment.

Follow these simple instructions and you'll be on your way;

1. Download the ventrilo client [url=]here[/url , your comptuer is PROBABLY 32-bit so, I suggest you download CLIENT version, not the server.

2. Open up Ventrilo after installation, and click on "Username" (username could be anything, in-game name preferably) Then click on "new" and enter the username desired, (don't mind the other stuff"

3. Click on "Server" and then click "New" and put in any name, that doesn't matter.

4. Now for the information, under hostname put in: and under PORT put in 4060.

5. Now press OK.

6. It should say "Server is available. Press Connect" blahblah.

7. AND VOILA! You're in. Now, if you want a hotkey whilst talking, just go to Setup and and set that up.

8. If you need help right click MY name (Amusai) and send me a private message.

Thank you.

MKayMS Administration.

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